
Hello you lovely lot! I’m feeling rather excited this morning, and I think it’s due to me starting a new blog. Yeah, that’s a thing now. To keep it short and simple, I’ve decided to make a new one dedicated to creative writing and all things bookish! I love literature, and I thought the short […]

Breast Battles… (Maybe?)

Hello! After not writing for ages (exams, yada yada) this feels very strange and foreign. But Exciting! YAY FOR BLOGGING! Anyway, the post title may have caught your attention a little, and to be honest I don’t really blame you. Boobs and all things breast related are somewhat treated as taboo, we’re not to go […]

Saying Yes, Spero meliora

Being an introvert, with some degree of social anxiety, means saying yes to things can sometimes be difficult. I’ve gotten better recently, but I used to say no to everything. Partly out of fear of failure, low self confidence or simply wanting to be alone, but I’m working on it. And to me, the only […]

First boyfriends and sicky love notes

This morning, my 8 year old sister poked her head around my door, and said “Holly! Guess what I’ve found!!!” I expected maybe a flower or a bracelet that she’d forgotten about, but no. She, came baring love letters that my brother had hidden under his bed. It was one of those “100 things I love […]

How to survive A levels (for lazy people)

I am not lazy. I tell myself as I continue to watch Netflix, seeing my grades slip all the way down the stairs, out the window and eventually into the bin. I know I shouldn’t even be writing this post, and further procrastinating, but here are my tips on how to survive A levels. Sorta. […]

I am the child, and also my mother.

Recently, on a walk home, I saw a young boy run out of his house and hide behind his garden wall. I thought several things… Firstly, Is he alright? Does his mum know? I severely hoped that there wasn’t any predators crawling around, (Who knows…) Anyway, while walking down the street thinking these things, it […]

Glasses problems…

I recently got glasses, and I’m not going to lie, I’m feeling a little mixed about it. PROS: -Glorious glasses selfies… Ah the benefits of non reflective glasses… -Better vision. I’d just like to point out that I thought to put selfies before better eyesight… -Being able to insult people when pushing them up onto […]

My Bucket List: Colour runs, Theatre and books.

I want to see Wicked in theatre. I mean, I want to see everything, but particularly wicked I want to go to Rome. I’ve always loved the idea of living there, and after watching ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ I’m so excited by the idea. I would be surrounded by ice cream and pizza, how can that […]

Theatre commandments!

This is inspired by one of my all time favourite tumblr pages, (have a ‘lil google, tis great), and I thought I’d write some of my own. I’ve always loved theatre and I’ve studied it for a year now, and these are just a few things I’ve learnt along the way… 1) THOU SHALT NOT […]