Saying Yes, Spero meliora

Being an introvert, with some degree of social anxiety, means saying yes to things can sometimes be difficult. I’ve gotten better recently, but I used to say no to everything. Partly out of fear of failure, low self confidence or simply wanting to be alone, but I’m working on it. And to me, the only […]

First boyfriends and sicky love notes

This morning, my 8 year old sister poked her head around my door, and said “Holly! Guess what I’ve found!!!” I expected maybe a flower or a bracelet that she’d forgotten about, but no. She, came baring love letters that my brother had hidden under his bed. It was one of those “100 things I love […]

How to survive A levels (for lazy people)

I am not lazy. I tell myself as I continue to watch Netflix, seeing my grades slip all the way down the stairs, out the window and eventually into the bin. I know I shouldn’t even be writing this post, and further procrastinating, but here are my tips on how to survive A levels. Sorta. […]